Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vale, Valencia...

At some point on the road from Elx to Valencia we caught our first peek at the gorgeous Mediterranean and the Costa del Sol. But we weren't stopping as the traffic on a Friday night in this famed beach paradise would have been monstrous. Instead, we hit Valencia for a quick overnight before charging up to Barcelona. The priority that night was to find a restaurant playing the World Cup game as our hotel tv didn't have the right channel. So we wandered around looking at Valencia's many great sites in what turned out to be a very vain search for that elusive eatery. This turned out to be a 3-hour marathon walk, and we saw/heard some fantastic things, including a street demonstration which featured 20-odd drummers calling people to join the parade. We tried the regional horxata (a sweet drink made from nuts and resembling milk). And we wandered through a very old mercantile center with fantastic gargoyles, etc. We're fans of the city overall. But the food thing was just one of those awful travel journeys. No place seemed great or those that did had no room for us or they weren't yet open. We got ourselves trapped by our desire for World Cup action. Finally we returned to our hotel hoping the dive bar nearby would still serve us food and the game, but neither were in evidence. So we ended up at a Burger King... I couldn't even order anything it was so depressing. But the kids of course were thrilled as this was their first fast food in a long time. The last picture here shows the very tired, very hungry boys just before we walked into BK. If only I'd thought to take a snap on the way out when they were full and happy (or at least full, as we still missed the game that night).

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