Friday, July 9, 2010

Off to Cordoba

Love that first image. Glorious hills of sunflowers have now become mundane and children have returned to their games. Poor Ben has had to forgo his DS to keep his eyes on the horizon (and thus his stomach from churning). We've become a family addicted to playing 20 Questions, though a few times the kids have picked animals, vegetables, or minerals that we don't even know existed ("Killer Clown"). Our first hit at Cordoba was the Alcazar, a small fortress. Among other things (pictured), its garden had a fascinating statue commemorating Columbus, Ferdinand, and Isabella (not pictured) -- one of many such memorials we've since seen. The best is yet to come. My next post includes the Moors' candy-cane colored arches of Cordoba's mosque/cathedral combo. Our favorite cathedral to date.

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