Monday, July 12, 2010

Alhambra--The Abbreviated Version, Part I

We spent all day at the Alhambra, and you can see the boys below lining up for the early-morning reservation at Nasrid Palaces. We reserved well in advance because the Alhambra folks are pretty strict about the timetables and if you're a tiny bit late, lose your place and your money. Try again another day. Nate almost immediately tripped in the palace, banged up his knee on the sultans' floor, and bled down his leg so that caused a little stir among the guards. But we got him bandaged up pretty quick. The palace is stunning. It's hard to really see it in the photos, I know, and it's hard to show the variety in the interest of not turning the blog into a giant slide show (which I'm finally beginning to realize it is...mea culpa). I'm limited to 5 photos and I'll only force myself to move on after a few posts. It was one of those great days, though, where gorgeous images and fascinating history are around every corner.

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