Friday, July 9, 2010

Interruption in Sequential Blogging: Barcelona

We've had a wonderful week with our friends, the Setzers (Dana, who I went to high school with; Scott, who I went to college with though our paths never crossed; Jonathan, a very smart 9, and he and Ben are swapping books; and Thomas, Nate's equal in age and mischievous fun.) We're very sad they're leaving tomorrow, and we suspect Barcelona will feel like a much different city without Dana leading the way with her map.

We spent a lot of time going to the beach (Sitges! Barceloneta!), checking out various Gaudi sites and cathedrals, and just wandering around aimlessly. Here's some highlights on lessons learned:
1) When you've been asked for a massage on the beach for the 15th time, it's time to stop saying "No, Gracias" and move on to turning away rudely.
2) Children under 10 could care less about topless beaches. Children over 40 need to get a grip.
3) There are so many great places to eat/drink but the chocolate cake and tapas at Bubo were mind-blowing. There's a reason the cake won Best Chocolate Cake in the world in 2005. (And Dana was digging the mojito.)
4) A lot of tourists still burn...purposefully.
5) People here seem to be allowed to age and in all the best and weirdest ways. It's been very inspiring.
6) July has quadrupled in tourists. We had to give up on the line at Sagrada Familia. Standing in line in the hot sun for a couple hours seemed a little ridiculous for a cathedral that isn't even finished (kidding!).
7) World Cup is a great time to be traveling. We're so excited for Sunday's game. Go Spain!!!

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