Sunday, August 1, 2010

Leon, Part 3: Lions and Tombs and Cloisters Oh My

St. Isidoro is a much smaller church in Leon but significantly it has 23 kings entombed. Their tombs sit in an amazing arched chapel decorated with Romanesque murals in astonishing shape. The down side is that you can only enter with a rather severe tour guide (spanish-speaking only) which meant that our boys had to sit quietly (oops--once on an actual ancient tomb--sorry again) for an hour. I whispered a LOT of Where's Waldo questions ("who can find the heart with arrows piercing it? who can find the sword? etc etc) to keep them respectful while everyone else who did speak spanish got a great lesson in the tombs and art. Yet another reminder that I should have taken that intensive spanish-language class before the sabbatical.

The other photos here were of the parador's very peaceful cloister with its diving swallows and cool promenade. Peaceful, I think, because no one was really meant to be in it on the weekend but once I broke the rules and snuck inside a crowd of other hotel guests followed.

The paradors had lion mailboxes so we "fed" the lion our hands (and the very few postcards we sent!) each time we passed by.

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