Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Segovia, Part I

Segovia was such a great day out of Madrid that it's going to take more than one post to capture the fun we had. The kids aren't always impressed with what we're impressed with. But that's to our advantage as Ed and I get the best view of the plaza to people watch while the boys draw or journal. To date, we seem to have picked the right mix of cathedrals and castles and cafes. So the kids are still having a good time exploring the cathedrals. Nate has a newfound interest in Jesus and I had to explain the Immaculate Conception to Ben just yesterday (umm, well, Mary's stepping on the cherubs' heads as they're really angels lifting her to heaven as she's without sin [thank you Fodor's].) Segovia's cathedral was plenty impressive but the day started with its amazing aqueduct--over 130 arches and they are just the remaining fragment of its original glory. No mortar. Just an astonishing engineering feat and balancing act of huge stones for the sake of water. The swallows appreciate the aqueduct too, though they're not as evident in these photos.

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