Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Birds and Swordplay at the Palace

Even when they're wandering around the beautiful Campo del Moro, which are the extensive gardens below the palace, the boys are thinking about how to beat each other with sticks, how to find a bigger stick, and which stick makes the best sword. We were all happy to see peacocks/peahens (and pea babies below who walked right in front of us). Ed was excited to hear (from his childhood hunting days) an actual pheasant and called back to it, which seemed to surprise the bird who expected something entirely different than Nate stalking it with the camera. We all like birds and it was nice to get such variety in what was essentially a city park. As a sidenote, the Campo del Moro public bathrooms were unusually plush (clean, soft towels, etc) and then I remembered they were royal. So if you're ever at Principe Pio metro station, there's a particularly luxe pit stop nearby.

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