Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First 5 days -- Wired to Tired

Welcome to Post Numero Uno. Next time: photos, I promise.

The last 5 days were so filled with travel and jetlag that we hadn't much time to be dialed in. And for a family that relies on its computers, phones, and other devices it's been a series of misadventures without the trusty iPhone to set us straight. Right, how do you read a map again? Where can we eat near the Prado?

After a brief layover in NJ (Thanks Dandinos!) and an extended 6-hour delay in Newark (Seriously TAP?) we finally made it to Madrid via Lisbon. Where "children with jetlag" suddenly gave us a new look/feel to our first week in Spain.

We know the "go with it" mentality Ed and I had learned from a cabdriver in Venezuela over a decade ago is right. And we're repeating the mantra. But somehow we forgot the kids would be awake from 1-5 a.m. and then squirrely at all other hours. We hope to be on the other side of that soon but for now low expectations...

Oh yes, and there's World Cup celebrations galore here (those Germans sure can sing loud late at night). So off to watch the 2nd half of Portugal vs Ivory Coast...


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